This Tuesday, May 12th, Americans from parts of South Dakota and Iowa, stretching down to Arkansas and Texas, are recovering from severe weather. Over the weekend, fierce storms ripped through the country`s midsection. At least five people were killed, dozens were injured, and several were still missing yesterday afternoon. More than 70 tornadoes were reported.
One of the areas hardest hit was the northeast Texas town of Van, population: 2,300 plus. A fire marshal there says roughly 30 percent of Van was damaged. The town`s schools were closed after getting this kind of damage on Sunday. The district superintendent said they felt blessed this did not happen during a school day. A high school in Iowa also lost most of its roof.
Apparent tornadoes weren`t the only problem. The storms brought sudden flash flooding the areas of northern Texas. Helicopters were called in to airlift people when flood waters covered the roads nearby.
CARL AZUZ, CNN STUDENT NEWS ANCHOR: Welcome to CNN STUDENT NEWS -- current events for middle and high school classrooms, no commercials.
This Tuesday, May 12th, Americans from parts of South Dakota and Iowa, stretching down to Arkansas and Texas, are recovering from severe weather. Over the weekend, fierce storms ripped through the country`s midsection. At least five people were killed, dozens were injured, and several were still missing yesterday afternoon. More than 70 tornadoes were reported.
One of the areas hardest hit was the northeast Texas town of Van, population: 2,300 plus. A fire marshal there says roughly 30 percent of Van was damaged. The town`s schools were closed after getting this kind of damage on Sunday. The district superintendent said they felt blessed this did not happen during a school day. A high school in Iowa also lost most of its roof.
Apparent tornadoes weren`t the only problem. The storms brought sudden flash flooding the areas of northern Texas. Helicopters were called in to airlift people when flood waters covered the roads nearby.