Good morning everyone, I’m covering this story from the county courthouse. Our coverage of this event began two days ago when the police arrested Tom Smith for using counterfeit to buy an engagement ring. Tom Smith is famous for winning the covetous gold horse trophy last year before suffering a serious head injury in a fall. What makes this case unusual is that Tom claims he was buying the ring for his girlfriend, who is actually a cow. That’s correct, folks, I didn’t say cowhand, I said now. Apparently, he has had a sic-month courtship with a cow whom he believes is human.
Tom appeared in court today wearing a cowboy costume. He cowered when he saw all of the TV cameras. The judge asked Tom countless questions about his relationship with his girlfriend, the cow. “Does she speak to you, Tom?” the judge asked.
“No,” relied Tom. “She’s rather coy. That’s what I like about her. I’m also fond of the way she courteously listens to all of my problems. I think we make a good couple. I consider her my counterpart in life.”
“Are you intending to marry her?” the judge asked with a serious face.
“Absolutely,” Tom replied. “I’ve already hired a courier to deliver the wedding invitations.”
“Okay, that’s enough,” said the judge, shaking his head from side to side. “I’m going to require that you take medicine to counteract the effects of your head injury. I’m also going to have a psychologist counsel you.”
“Thank you, judge,” said Tom with a sigh of relief. “But I think my girlfriend will also need counseling.”
costume n. 服裝;vt. 裝束
counsel n/vt. 勸告
counseling n. (對(duì)個(gè)人、社會(huì)以及心理等問(wèn)題的)咨詢服務(wù)
counteract vt. 消除,抵消
counterfeit vt. 偽造,仿造;n. 偽造物,假冒物
counterpart n. 相對(duì)物,極相似之人或物
countless adj. 無(wú)數(shù)的
couple n. (一)對(duì),(一)雙;夫婦;vi. 聯(lián)合,結(jié)合
courier n. 送急件的人,信使
court n. 法庭,球場(chǎng)
courteously adv. 有禮貌地,親切地
courthouse n. 法院;郡政府所在地
courtship n. 求愛(ài),求愛(ài)時(shí)期
cover vt. 覆蓋;包括;報(bào)道
coverage n. 新聞報(bào)道;報(bào)道
covetous adj. 貪婪的,貪心的
cowboy n. 牛仔,美國(guó)西部牧人牛仔
cower vt. 畏縮
cowhand n. 牛仔,牧牛工
coy adj. 靦腆的,忸怩的