The depressing stars had travelled quite some wayacross the heavens.
But though the separating screen of the sky-signshad now to a great extent dissolved, the twoyoung people still retained their happy ignorance ofthe night.
Swallowing half an hour before closing time, that second dose of soma had raised a quiteimpenetrable wall between the actual universe and their minds.
Bottled, they crossed the street; bottled, they took the lift up to Henry's room on the twenty-eighth floor.
And yet, bottled as she was, and in spite of that second gramme of soma, Lenina did notforget to take all the contraceptive precautions prescribed by the regulations.
Years of intensive hypnop.dia and, from twelve to seventeen, Malthusian drill three times aweek had made the taking of these precautions almost as automatic and inevitable as blinking.
"Oh, and that reminds me," she said, as she came back from the bathroom, "Fanny Crownewants to know where you found that lovely green morocco-surrogate cartridge belt you gaveme."
Alternate Thursdays were Bernard's Solidarity Service days.
After an early dinner at the Aphroditzeum (to which Helrnholtz had recently been elected underRule Two) he took leave of his friend and, hailing a taxi on the roof told the man to fly to theFordson Community Singery.
The machine rose a couple of hundred metres, then headed eastwards, and as it turned, therebefore Bernard's eyes, gigantically beautiful, was the Singery.
Flood-lighted, its three hundred and twenty metres of white Carrara-surrogate gleamed with asnowy incandescence over Ludgate Hill;
at each of the four corners of its helicopter platform an immense T shone crimson against thenight, and from the mouths of twenty-four vast golden trumpets rumbled a solemn syntheticmusic.
"Damn, I'm late," Bernard said to himself as he first caught sight of Big Henry, the Singeryclock.
And sure enough, as he was paying off his cab, Big Henry sounded the hour.
"Ford," sang out an immense bass voice from all the golden trumpets.
"Ford, Ford, Ford …" Nine times. Bernard ran for the lift.
The great auditorium for Ford's Day celebrations and other massed Community Sings was atthe bottom of the building.
Above it, a hundred to each floor, were the seven thousand rooms used by Solidarity Groupsfor their fortnight services.
Bernard dropped down to floor thirty-three, hurried along the corridor, stood hesitating for amoment outside Room 3210, then, having wound himself up, opened the door and walked in.
Thank Ford! he was not the last.
Three chairs of the twelve arranged round the circular table were still unoccupied.
He slipped into the nearest of them as inconspicuously as he could and prepared to frown atthe yet later comers whenever they should arrive.