Everyone knows you should put spinach and berriesin the refrigerator, but exactly how do coolertemperatures keep most fruits and vegetables fromspoiling rapidly?
Spoilage is inevitable, but refrigeration slows itdown in two ways. First, cold temperatures interferewith the growth of microorganisms that harm food,such as bacteria, mold, and yeast. In order to grow, any microorganism that could damagefruits or vegetables needs food, a favorable moisture content, and a favorable temperature.
Obviously, it is impossible to eliminate a food source for these microorganisms, so otherfactors that facilitate their growth must be eliminated. We refrigerate food to keep bacteria,yeasts, and molds from the favorable temperature they need to grow. The moisture-controlavailable in many refrigerators also helps slow the deterioration of foods, so that two of thethree favorable situations for microorganism growth are eliminated.
Though the microorganism growth is slowed down at low temperatures, it still can occur atthe 38 degrees of an ordinary refrigerator. Hence, the mold that grows on forgotten leftoversin the back of a refrigerator. The second benefit of refrigeration is that it slows down thefood's own natural processes that lead to ripening and eventual decay.
For fruits and vegetables, the very chemical processes that cause plants to grow and ripen alsocause them to rot. In effect, refrigeration helps save the plant tissue from itself. Keeping thesefoods at low temperatures dramatically slows this aging process.