A dandelion is an aggregate of many small flowers and each individual flower has its ownstamens and pistil, and therefore can reproduce without fertilization. After a dandelion hasbloomed, each of the individual flowers within a single dandelion forms a seed. The seed isattached to fluffy white threads, which allow the seed to fly to a place where, if it meetsfavorable conditions, it can germinate to create another dandelion. Even if you hate thiscommon weed, you've got to respect its tenacious spirit.
Dandelions are native to six continents, and are found throughout the world except in thetropics. Their impressive roots, which can be up to a foot long, allow them to thrive ininhospitable environments, like big cities, where most flowers and weeds can't even survive.
Cut off a dandelion at the surface and the root will grow another plant. But dandelions aren'tjust annoying weeds; they've been used throughout history in a variety of ways. Dandelionleaves have been eaten as salad greens and dried to make dandelion tea; and dandelion flowershave been used to make wine and schnapps. In addition, the milky juice of one kind ofdandelion has been used to make a natural rubber.