In the front gardens, even in the rain, I notice thefirst signs of spring and the greyness of winter givingway to small yellow white and purple flowers. Springis rising in all the animals which include us humans.So we smile good mornings to our neighbours andput out food for our fellow creatures. I try to savesome small spiders who’ve climbed up the waterpipes into my bath. I manoeuvre them with myflannel out of the danger zone and put nourishingcake crumbs before them, which terrifies them!Nature isn't always red in tooth and claw. Iremember how birds clean crocodiles' teeth in the Nile, and the orphaned animals and birds inthe Siberian forests who are adopted into the dens and nests of other creatures even otherspecies as Kropotkin witnessed. And I suddenly pray to God not asking for anything, just tothank him for the wonder of waking up in spring which the rabbis called the little resurrection.