[00:04.05]要不是半途丟了一公斤 It would have been even better,
[00:05.35]利潤會更可觀 except one kilo never made it back.
[00:07.98]維塔利? Vitaly?
[00:10.41]維! Vit!
[00:15.22]直至今日我還不知道 To this day I don’t know what Vitaly...
[00:17.18]維在逃避什么 ...was running away from.
[00:18.85]或許是在逃避他自己吧 Maybe just from Vitaly.
[00:21.85]12天后 I found him twelve days, two thousand miles,
[00:24.28]我在兩千哩外的玻利維亞邊境的 and one hundred and fifty grams later
[00:25.78]寄宿屋子里找到了他 還吸了150公克 in a Bolivian boarding house.
[00:31.78]沒想到,我的夢中情人 早我一步來到了這里 Of course, my dream girl had gone there before me.
[00:42.12]維! Vit!
[00:53.22]快開門! Come on!
[01:09.85]媽的!尤里回來了 Fuck, Yuri’s back.
[01:12.38]我哥哥,尤里 It’s my brother, Yuri.
[01:14.78]我的大哥哥 He’s my big brother.
[01:18.45]媽的,那是什么? What the fuck is that?
[01:20.22]烏克蘭 Ukraine.
[01:21.75]雖然當(dāng)時我還年幼,但我記得 I was young, but I remember.
[01:24.31]瞧,我從奧德薩... Look... I start in Odessa, right?
[01:27.28]到克米恩 And then I work my way to the Crimean
[01:30.51]到了基輔你就沒命了! You’ll be dead before you fucking reach Kiev!
[01:32.88]快,咱們回家吧 We’re going home. Come on,
[01:33.92]你...我操... You fuck! You fucking fuck!
[01:37.25]操...操 You fucking fuck...
[01:39.38]你有啥問題啊! What the fuck is your problem?
[01:48.21]走吧,維 Come on, Vit.
[01:50.81](紐約機場,1989) J.F.K. Airport, New York - 1989
[01:51.85]回家真好 Yuri, it’s so nice to be home. Yeah, good work.
[01:54.61]嗯...我會帶你回家 We’re gonna get you home.
[01:56.05]來 Come on.
[01:58.12]圣法蘭西斯戒毒所 St. Francis Rehabilitation Center
[02:08.05]下車吧 Get out of the car.
[02:13.71]維塔利,我要你下車 Vitaly, I need you to get out of the car.
[02:18.28]我對父母發(fā)過誓 I promised our parents.
[02:21.95]別 Please.
[02:23.05]維塔利,你會很滿意的 Vitaly, you’re going to have a great time.
[02:24.51]這是好地方 This is a top place.
[02:25.51]上周有兩個雜志模特 Two Ford models checked in last week.
[02:27.51]還有報氣象的美女六月就來了 And that cute weather girl’s been here since July.
[02:29.41]別 Please.
[02:32.85]求你了,尤里 Please, Yuri.
[02:52.12]你是好哥哥 You’re a good brother.
[02:56.78]你是好哥哥,尤里 You’re a good brother, Yuri.
[02:58.25]嗯...好了 Okay. All right.
[02:59.41]好哥哥 Good brother.
[03:00.41]下車吧... All right. Get out of the car.
[03:02.31]好吧 Okay
[03:04.61]下車吧 Get out of the car.
[03:12.98]那時起我就單獨行動了 From then on I was a one-man operation.
[03:15.68]我從沒搞清楚 I never understood what separated...
[03:17.21]偶而吸毒玩玩和吸上的毒癮有啥分別 the recreational drug user from the habitual.
[03:20.21]上帝見證 But for the grace of God...
[03:21.38]還好我自己 it could’ve been me snorting lines
[03:22.81]沒有吸上癮 as long as the Belt Parkway.
[03:25.58]但是我還是沒能逃脫 However, I wasn’t entirely free
[03:27.65]某種令人上癮的東西 of the grip of addiction myself.
[03:29.78]她又出現(xiàn)了 There she was again.
[03:31.31]艾娃·方田 Ava Fontaine.
[03:33.15]我們那兒的街坊鄰居說 In my neighborhood they say,
[03:34.65]能走出這里才算有出息 "The good get out."
[03:36.15]我和她都用各自的方式,征服了世界 In our own ways, we’d both conquered the world.
[03:39.25](圣巴茲島,1989) St. Barts, French Caribbean - 1989
[03:56.11]你不能強迫一個人愛上你 You can’t force somebody to fall in love with you.
[03:58.11]但起碼你可以制造機會 But you can definitely improve your odds.
[04:01.45]我花了兩萬元搞個假拍照活動騙她來 It cost me 20 grand to book he for a fake photo shoot.
[04:04.41]又花了一萬二買通旅館 Another twelve to buy out the hotel.
[04:50.25]很受歡迎的旅館,對吧? Popular hotel, huh?
[04:55.85]- 艾娃·方田 - 尤里·奧洛夫 Ava Fontaine. Yuri Orlov.
[04:58.51]為何事來這兒? What brings you to St. Barts?
[04:59.98]拍照 Photo shoot.