很多小伙伴背了很多英語單詞,卻還是聽不懂外國人的對話,很大一部分原因是我們學的是書面用語,而對方說的是一些約定俗成的習語俗語,所以如果我們想要提升自己的口語水平,還是要注意英語俗語的積累。以下是聽力課堂小編整理的英語俗語:in the same boat的資料,希望你能有所收獲!
in the same boat
同乘一條船的人在很大程度上要經歷同樣的命運,他們或是一路順風,大家一起平安地到達目的地;或是一起經受風浪,乃致遭受船毀人亡的厄運。因此,in the same boat這個成語便用來形容處于同一境遇,面臨同樣危險的人。我們漢語中的“同舟共濟”和這個英語成語可以說是同出一轍。介詞in也可以用on:
Talking to the employees, the boss emphasized that they were in the same boat; if everyone worked hard, the firm would survive; otherwise it would have to close down.
Nearly all the pupils found chemistry especially difficult this term. After the exam, they felt that they were on the same boat.
Hitler’s aggressive policy put all the European countries on the same boat. So they decided to form an alliance to cope with the manace.
以上就是英語俗語:in the same boat的全部資料,還等什么,趕快練起來吧!