Is Your Job Keeping You Single?
U.S. government data reveals that up to 44% of the U.S. workforceis single -- and it may be because of work. Here are four reasons why your job might be keeping you single and what to do about it.
1. "I don't have time to date."
Many people who are single say their jobs don't leave them with enough time to meet Mr. or Mrs. Right. You may have made a consciousdecision to make career your No. 1 priority. Or it may be that pursuing your dream job is easier than pursuing your dream partner. Whatever the reason, dedicating too much of your time and energy to your career will cause your dating life to flounder.
Solution: Make dating your work. Approach your social life with the same determination and commitmentyou apply to your career. You wouldn't expect to get ahead at work if you didn't put in the time. Make an investment in your coupled future by setting dating goals, like committing a certain number of hours a week to dating.