In addition to attractiveness,Plaut said other traits such as intelligence and personality might also cement social connections. “I think anything that is typically used to sort as a matter of choice,” she said.
普勞特說, 除了吸引力之外,諸如聰慧度和個(gè)性等特質(zhì)可能也能鞏固一個(gè)人的社會聯(lián)系。“我覺得在那種只要你愿意就可以與人建立關(guān)系的環(huán)境中(意指城市),任何被用來將一個(gè)人定為有吸引力或無吸引力的典型因素我們都可以加強(qiáng)一下(來鞏固社會聯(lián)系)。”她說。
The findings suggest the importance of being attractive to your happiness is not universal, and that its significance is more a matter of culture than human nature.
從這些發(fā)現(xiàn)中我們了解到,外表的魅力對于你的快樂的重要性并不是通用的, 這其中的意義在于,吸引力與快樂的關(guān)系更多的是文化問題,而不是人類的天性問題。
1. the cream of the crop: 最優(yōu)秀的東西;精華。