Annie: What's so funny?
Megan: I put a loaded gun in Dougie's carry-on. The TSA is going to just rip his ass apart.
Helen: Annie?
Annie: Oh. Hey.
Helen: Did you have a nice evening?
Annie: It was beautiful. Yeah.
Helen: What did you think of the wedding?
Annie: It was...It was great.
Helen: It was great, right? Yeah.
Annie: It was perfect. It was great.
Helen: Yeah, it was great. It was really nice meeting you.
Annie: Yeah, it was... Helen, it was really nice meeting you, too. Hey, you know, maybe sometime the three of us could go to Rockin' Sushi together.
Helen: Thank you, Annie. I would love that. Your ride is here.
Rhodes: Hey, how did everything go?
Annie: Strangely well.
Rhodes: Good. So, I ate your cake that you left.
Annie: You did?
Rhodes: Yeah. I mean, I had to fight some raccoons off. But that's okay. I'm pretty strong and tough, so it wasn't much of a contest. So that might have been... I'm just going to kiss you now rather than just...
Call: Officer Rhodes, please report to...
Rhodes: Oh! I'm on duty. And I need to put my uniform on. If I drive like this, they're gonna think I just stole a car, which wouldn't be great. You could ride with me if you want.You want to come?
Annie: Yeah, I do.
Rhodes: Come on.
Annie: All right.
Rhodes: Whoa! Whoa! Where are you going?
Annie: I'm getting in the car.
Rhodes: No, no, no, you got to get in the back.
Annie: What?
Rhodes: You can't sit in the front, it's against regulations. Come on. Come on.
Annie: You're going to make me sit in the back seat?
Rhodes: Yeah, come on. Sorry. Habit.
Annie: All right.
Rhodes: It's a force of habit.
Annie: Can I please get in the front seat?
Rhodes: Actually, no, I'm afraid there's a warrant out for your arrest.
Annie: What? why?
Rhodes: Reckless driving, littering, texting, consuming alcohol while operating a vehicle. You didn't think I was going to let you get away with that, did you?
Annie: Could we put the siren on? Please? Thank you.