"Even the strongest of us fall off the wagon, don't we?"
"What are you asking? My permission?" My voice was sharper than I'd intended. I tried tomake my tone kinder — I could guess what his honesty must cost him. "I mean, is there nohope, then?" How calmly I could discuss my own death!
"No, no!" He was instantly contrite. "Of course there's hope! I mean, of course I won't…" Heleft the sentence hanging. His eyes burned into mine. "It's different for us. Emmett… these werestrangers he happened across. It was a long time ago, and he wasn't as… practiced, as careful,as he is now."
He fell silent and watched me intently as I thought it through.
"So if we'd met… oh, in a dark alley or something…" I trailed off.
"It took everything I had not to jump up in the middle of that class full of children and —" Hestopped abruptly, looking away. "When you walked past me, I could have ruined everythingCarlisle has built for us, right then and there. If I hadn't been denying my thirst for the last,well, too many years, I wouldn't have been able to stop myself." He paused, scowling at thetrees.
He glanced at me grimly, both of us remembering. "You must have thought I was possessed."