What were these UFOs really? It turned out theywere fragments of a meteor coming apart in the upper atmosphere. Now here's the mostinteresting part: the meteor fragments were at least one hundred and twenty five miles fromthe planes. How could you possibly think something over a hundred miles away was about to hityou?
Objects in the sky confuse our perceptual abilities. With no visual cues to help calculatedistance, our brains rely on size and speed instead. How? By using a simple fact: far-awaythings look like they are going slower than close-up things. You may have noticed this whendriving: those distant phone poles pass sluggishly while the ones on the road go zooming by. Ina blank white sky, our brains default to a simple strategy: the bigger it looks and the faster itgoes, the closer it probably is.
This is a smart way to proceed, and it generally works. Still, our perception can be fouled byrare situations in which we find ourselves looking at something far away that neverthelessmoves extremely fast, such as an incoming meteor. At thousands of miles an hour, thatflaming object speeds across your field of vision, and your brain can easily conclude it must bemuch closer than it is--maybe even about to abduct you.