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聽美劇學英語-摩登家庭第三季 第2集:追根溯源





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00:01.22, Okay, let's see... 好 我看看...
00:02.54, Oh, could, you grab me an extra virgin... 幫我去拿一瓶特級初榨[處女]
00:04.87, I think one's enough for the sacrifice. 我覺得有一個作為祭品就夠了
00:06.46, Olive oil, Phil. 橄欖油 菲爾
00:07.46, Come on. That's funny. 笑一個 多逗啊
00:08.80, Oh, it's funnier than your freestyle "Sandwich rap." 確實比你的三明治說唱好笑
00:11.59, Girl, you crazy. 姑娘 你個瘋子
00:13.83, I'm mad fun to shop with. 跟我一起購物最有趣了
00:16.63, Trapped in between two whole wheat slices. 徘徊在兩個全麥面粉貨架之間
00:18.82, Pastrami and swiss are my only vices. 唯五香熏牛肉和芝士與我相伴
00:21.99, Sweetie, my shoe. Come on. Jesus. God. 親愛的 我的鞋 看著點 真是的
00:24.99, Hello. 你好
00:25.72, Hi. 你好
00:26.82, Oh, roadblock. 路障
00:27.82, - Beep beep! - Pardon me. 嗶嗶嗶-不好意思
00:31.10, Are you okay? 你沒事吧
00:33.34, Actually, not okay. 事實上 有事
00:36.11, Not okay. 事兒大了
00:37.08, Honey, did you pull from the bottom again? 親愛的 你是不是又從底下抽罐頭了
00:42.77, So after hors d'oeuvres, 開胃菜之后
00:44.05, We'll bring everyone in here to share the news. 我們把大家召集到客廳宣布這個消息
00:47.31, We're having the family over tomorrow night 我們叫全家人明晚過來聚餐
00:48.95, to tell them we're planning on adopting a new baby. 告訴大家我們打算再收養(yǎng)一個小孩
00:51.73, Yes, and we both agreed 是的 而且我們都同意
00:53.12, to--to go a little more low-key with the announcement this time. 這次選擇低調一點的方式宣布這個消息
00:55.70, *Let's hear it for the boy ...* *來聽聽愛子的聲音吧*
01:00.47, Okay, just to be clear, this is low-key? 我就問問清楚 這是低調嗎
01:03.22, It's a banner 就一條橫幅
01:04.12, And just some light musical accompaniment, Mitchell. 還有些輕音樂伴奏 米奇爾
01:06.24, I don't have a lower key. 我不能再低調了
01:07.81, Besides, this is a happy occasion. 再說了 這是個歡樂的場合
01:09.34, Am I right, lily? 對吧 莉莉
01:10.16, Aren't you excited to get a new baby brother? 你馬上就有個弟弟了 是不是很開心
01:12.08, No! I hate the baby! 不 我討厭寶寶
01:15.95, We are having a slight issue 我們遇到了一點小問題
01:18.07, getting Lily on board with the adoption. 暫時尚未說服莉莉同意我們收養(yǎng)個兒子
01:20.30, I hate the baby. 我討厭寶寶
01:21.25, No new baby. 不要新寶寶
01:22.04, I wanna make the baby dead. 我想弄死那寶寶
01:23.72, I thought we weren't gonna share that one. 我們不是說好了不提這句的嗎
01:26.65, I-I-I just hope that the problem is 我 我 我只是希望問題出在
01:29.05, she hasn't spent much time with any babies. 她只是跟其他小孩相處太少了
01:30.89, So we thought it would be a great idea 所以我們想了個好主意
01:32.77, to show her how much fun it'll be to have one around. 如果有個孩子陪著她 她就會知道多有樂趣了
01:35.31, oh, he is so cute! 他真可愛
01:37.41, Yeah, and he never cries. 是的 他從不哭鬧
01:38.93, Literally never. It's actually a little weird. 真的是沒哭過 真是有點怪了
01:41.83, Oh, no, that's not weird. 不 這沒什么
01:42.72, My sister was born with a full set of teeth. 我姐姐出生時全部牙齒已經長齊了
01:45.01, Yeah, that never happened. 亂說的 沒那回事
01:46.53, No? Really? You should've seen her crib. 沒 你不信 你該看看她的嬰兒床
01:47.82, It looked like beavers lived there. 就像是海貍睡過 被咬的亂七八糟
01:49.42, Oh, is this Lily? 這是莉莉嗎
01:50.75, oh, yes, it is. Hey, honey. Say hi to the baby. 對 是她 親愛的 跟小家伙問好
01:54.36, My daddy! 這是我爸爸
01:56.76, Okay, so that's one problem solved. 起碼小孩兒不哭的問題是解決了
02:09.50, 摩登家庭 第三季 第二集
02:12.26, Bye! See you soon! 再見 再見
02:14.98, Or never. 或者再也不見
02:16.80, Cam, I'm a little freaked out about what Lily did. 小卡 我有點被莉莉的舉動嚇壞了
02:18.77, Oh, please. She barely touched him, 想太多了 她都沒怎么碰到他
02:20.20, And he went from zero to big crybaby. 他就毫無緣由地大哭大鬧
02:22.37, We're talking about bringing another child into this house. 我們現(xiàn)在是要讓這個家多個小成員
02:24.65, How's that gonna work with Lily being so possessive of you? 莉莉對你的占有欲這么強怎么能行
02:28.36, Why am I hearing an accusatory tone? 我怎么聽到指責的語氣
02:30.52, Oh, come on. You have to admit that you do coddle her. 拜托 你得承認你對他過于溺愛了
02:33.00, I will not apologize for loving our daughter. 我不會為愛我們的女兒而道歉
02:35.32, I'm not criticizing. 我不是在批評你
02:37.82, I'm not only criticizing, 我不只是在批評你
02:39.14, But we did talk about giving Lily a little more independence. 我的意思是我們要讓莉莉更獨立一些
02:41.82, Yeah, which is why we put her in preschool. 沒錯 所以我們才把她送去幼兒園的啊
02:43.91, Yes, but you can't bear to leave her there. 對 但你卻舍不得把她留在那兒
02:45.41, You always pick her up early. 你總是早早地去接她
02:46.61, That is ridiculous. 沒有的事
02:47.88, Okay. Okay. 好 好
02:48.89, Lily, honey, 莉莉 親愛的
02:50.88, Did daddy pick you up early from preschool today? 今天爸爸提前去幼兒園接你了嗎
02:53.46, No. 沒有
02:54.48, Case closed. 就此結案
02:55.83, We didn't go. 我根本沒去上學
02:57.31, Case opened. 重新立案
02:58.52, We went shopping. 我們去購物了
02:59.62, That's enough. 好了好了
03:01.14, We bought matchy hats. 我們買了父女帽
03:02.84, you are going to your room. 你得回房去了
03:05.76, You're both going to her room. 你也跟進去干嘛
03:07.89, Do we spend a lot of time together? Yes. 我們常常黏在一起嗎 是的
03:09.43, Do we have a special bond? Absolutely. 我們父女感情甚密嗎 當然
03:11.40, But do I coddle her more than any other loving parent? 但說我過于溺愛她 遠超過其他慈母仁父
03:29.23, It's possible. 也許是吧
03:31.58, And for Lily's sake, I should probably work on that. 為了莉莉 我應該少一點溺愛
03:34.82, No, you calm down! 不 你給我冷靜
03:36.30, This is how I talk when somebody accuses my Manny of stealing. 有人指責我的曼尼偷東西我就這樣說話
03:39.43, - Who is that? - It's the principal. 是誰-是校長
03:40.83, He's saying that Manny stole some girl's locket. 他說曼尼偷了個什么女生的小吊墜
03:43.26, What, do you think that all colombians are criminals, 你以為所有的哥倫比亞人都是罪犯
03:46.13, because a colombian necktie 因為哥倫比亞領帶
03:47.53, is a symbol of violence all over the world? 在全球都是暴力的標志嗎
03:51.19, No, no, I'm not threatening you. 不不 我不是在恐嚇你
03:53.32, Okay. Apology accepted. 好的 我接受你的道歉
03:55.97, No, I didn't mean anything about the necktie. 沒有 我提到領帶并沒有什么特殊意思
03:57.64, I just--I was trying to make a point. 我只是 我只是隨便舉個例子說說
04:08.54, Could you "L." a little less "O.L." 你能不能笑得不那么大聲
04:10.69, Don't you see what I'm trying to do here? 你沒看見我在干嘛嗎
04:12.42, Die alone? 孤獨地死去嗎
04:13.71, Girls, dinner! 姑娘們 吃飯了
04:14.99, You know, why does Luke get his own room, 為什么盧克有自己的房間
04:16.38, and I still have to share with you? I can't take it anymore. 我卻要和你住一間 我再也受不了了
04:18.96, Me either, even if it is just for one more year... 我也是 即使只還有一年而已
04:21.92, when I leave for college. 到時我就去讀大學
04:23.75, It is one more year or when you leave for college? 是確定只忍受一年 還是等你上大學的時候
04:25.80, Because those happen to be two different things. 那完全兩碼事 能不能上大學還不一定呢
04:29.61, So I hear this little voice coming from the cans 我聽到罐頭堆中傳來個小聲音
04:31.80, And it's like... 好像是在喊
04:32.59, Help! I fell in the peaches! 救救我 我被桃子淹沒了
04:35.60, that's mom! 太是媽媽的風格了
04:37.41, - Hilarious! - So hilarious. 太歡樂了-絕對歡樂
04:38.52, I'm like, "Claire?" 我想著 是克萊爾在喊嗎
04:39.85, You might wanna tell them that it was you 也許你該告訴他們
04:41.56, Who pushed me into the peaches in the first place. 是你把我推過去的
04:43.18, This again? I wasn't even near you. 又來了 我當時幾乎都沒靠近你
04:45.04, Yes, you were! You knocked me with the cart. 不 你就在我旁邊 你把我撞到推車上
04:46.94, It was completely your fault. 那完完全全是你的錯
04:49.27, Well, let's just agree to disagree. 讓我們求同存異行嗎
04:51.14, No. I-I disagree to disagree. 不行 我現(xiàn)在全是"異見"
04:54.25, Then you agree. 負負得正了
04:56.45, No. No, I don't, because I'm right. 不 不 沒有 我是對的
05:00.81, Okay, claire. You're right. 好吧 克萊爾 你是對的
05:03.21, as usual. 一如往常
05:04.56, - No, I am right. - like always. -不 我就是對的 -一直都是
05:06.40, Stop it. When I am wrong, I admit it. 行了 如果我真錯了 我會承認的
05:08.57, which is never. 從未發(fā)生
05:09.87, Fine. Fine. 好吧 好吧
05:16.46, You're a little jumpy tonight, Manny. Anything wrong? 你今晚有點不正常啊 曼尼 出什么事了嗎
05:18.72, No. Well, I'm just gonna-- 沒有 我剛想
05:20.69, Have a seat, kid. 孩子 坐下
05:23.13, You know, maybe it's me, 也許是我的錯覺
05:24.06, But I thought you were kinda squirrelly tonight, you know, 但我感覺你今天有點古怪
05:27.21, Before when your mom was on the phone with the principal. 在你媽媽接到校長電話之前
05:31.37, Almost like you wanted to say something... 我感覺你好像想說些什么
05:33.11, but you just couldn't. 但你卻說不出口
05:36.39, anything you wanna say now, Manny? 現(xiàn)在有什么想說的嗎 曼尼
05:40.00, No. I have nothing to say. 沒有 我沒什么好說的
05:41.95, You sure about that? 你確定
05:43.72, Think real hard. 好好想想
05:49.63, Could I get a glass of water? 我能喝杯水嗎
05:51.05, That girl's locket-- you took it, didn't you? 那個姑娘的小吊墜 是你拿的 對吧
05:54.60, - Didn't you? - Yes.Yes, I took it. 對不對-是的 是我拿的
05:58.07, - I didn't mean to. - I don't wanna hear any excuses. 我不是故意的-我不想聽你的借口
06:00.62, You're gonna tell your mom, and you're gonna set this right. 你去告訴你媽媽 然后把問題解決了
06:03.13, Do you understand? 明白了嗎
06:05.14, All right, get out of here. 好的 走吧
06:07.61, Just one more thing. 還有一件事
06:10.13, You're not, um... 你沒有...
06:13.54, You're not wearing that locket, are you? 你偷那個吊墜不是為了自己戴吧
06:15.04, No. Of course not. 沒有 當然沒有
06:16.22, It's a girl's. Why would I want to wear it? 那是女孩戴的 我干嘛要戴
06:19.39, It's no reason. 我就隨口一問
06:26.49, Mom, hurry up! I don't want to be late for school. 媽媽 快點 我不想遲到
06:30.58, You didn't tell her,did you? 你沒告訴她是吧
06:33.38, What's the hurry this morning? 為什么今早這么著急
06:38.90, Okay, what's with the looks? 你們爺倆的表情是怎么回事
06:40.19, It's like a silent movie in here. Okay. 就像在看默片一樣
06:42.68, I was walking behind this girl Alicia, who's moving away, 我跟在一個叫阿麗莎的姑娘后面 她要搬家了
06:45.49, And I was working up the courage to get her new address 我好不容易鼓起勇氣想要她的新地址
06:48.02, So I can write her. 這樣我就能給他寫信了
06:49.02, I express myself a lot better on paper than-- 我比較擅長用文字表達自己
06:51.20, Ticktock, kid. 別太忽悠 孩子
06:52.81, Well, she dropped her locket, and I picked it up, 好吧 她的吊墜掉了 然后我就撿起來了
06:55.66, But she kept walking, and I... 但是她一直在走 我
06:58.56, You stole the locket. 你偷了吊墜
07:01.21, After I told the principal 我還告訴校長
07:02.28, That you could have never done something like that, 你絕不會做出這樣的事情
07:03.97, And I threaten him with the colombian necktie! 我還用哥倫比亞領帶威脅他
07:06.49, Manny, why? 為什么 曼尼
07:08.00, Don't worry. It wasn't 'cause he wanted to wear it. 別擔心 他偷來不是因為自己想戴
07:11.83, I thought I could keep it as something to remember her by. 我只是想留個紀念
07:14.32, But then you were yelling at Mr. Vickers, 但是后來你沖著維克斯老師大喊
07:16.28, And I-I was just too scared to tell you. 我就不敢告訴你了
07:18.13, Go to the car. 上車
07:19.00, - I'm really sorry. - Go. 我真的很抱歉-快去
07:23.22, Why would he do something like that? 他怎么會做出這樣的事
07:25.32, It's bad enough that he's the boy 他已經夠怪異的了
07:27.21, with the pan flute and the puffy shirts and--and the poems. 愛吹排笛 穿大碼衫 沒事兒就吟詩作對
07:30.87, Now he's the jewelry thief. 現(xiàn)在還成了珠寶大盜
07:32.66, Might be an upgrade. 已經算上升個等級了
07:33.65, Ay, Jay, this is not funny. 杰 這可不好笑
07:35.49, Those things stick to you. 這種污點終生都洗不掉啊
07:37.16, My cousin Rosa Marina-- 我表妹洛薩·瑪麗娜
07:38.55, When she was 14, she stole something, and after that, 她14歲的時候 偷了東西 從那之后
07:40.74, Everybody thinks of her as the girl who steals cars. 所有人都把她當成是偷車賊
07:44.23, She stole a car? 她偷了一輛車
07:45.33, Cars. 不止一輛
07:46.49, But after she got that label, what else could she do? 但她一旦被貼上那樣的標簽 她還能干什么呢
07:49.23, Listen, you can't control what kids think, 聽著 你不能控制孩子的想法
07:51.10, But you can make sure he learns from this. 但是你能讓他從這次的事件中得到教訓
07:53.04, You take him to the principal's office, 你帶他去校長辦公室
07:54.54, He owns up to it, he never does it again. 他承認錯誤 然后就不會再犯
07:57.69, Okay. Okay. 好吧 好吧
07:59.21, But what was he thinking? 他是怎么想的
08:00.98, This is not even real gold. 這都不是真金的
08:04.96, No way, Haley! It was my idea! I'm taking this room! 不可能 海莉 這是我的主意 我要這間
08:08.20, Over my dead body! 癡心妄想
08:10.33, This is going to be my room, 我要定了這間房
08:12.53, And there's nothing you can do about it! 你連想也別想
08:17.22, Seriously? 有點過吧
08:19.70, What are you guys fighting about? 你們在吵什么
08:21.25, Okay, so we both think 我們都覺得
08:22.86, That this would make a totally awesome bedroom. 這里做臥室再合適不過了
08:24.96, But only one of us can have it. 但只有一個人能擁有它
08:26.58, Don't you think it should be me? 你不覺得應該是我嗎
08:27.84, Oh, so not. It should be me. Right, Luke? 是你的才怪 應該是我的 對吧 盧克
08:30.03, why do you guys wanna move into the attic? 你們?yōu)槭裁聪氚徇M閣樓來
08:32.37, Oh, you mean "The penthouse"? 你是說"頂層公寓"嗎
08:34.11, With all the privacy of being on its very own floor? 隱私得到極大保護的獨層公寓噢
08:39.95, It is kinda cool. 確實不錯
08:43.02, I'm not an idiot. 我不是白癡
08:44.49, I knew what they were up to, 我知道她們在打什么鬼主意
08:46.96, but I've been wanting to move for a while. 不過我也一直想挪個窩
08:49.09, There's a line of ants 有一隊螞蟻
08:50.19, going to a trick-or-treat bag in my closet, 正在向我衣櫥里萬圣節(jié)的糖袋子進軍
08:52.25, and I don't want to still be there 我可不希望它們吃膩了糖
08:53.80, when they get tired of candy. 就拿我當肉宰割
08:56.28, Good morning, princess. 早上好 小公主
08:58.05, Good morning, Lily. 早上好 莉莉
08:58.90, Very adorable, Mitchell, 真可愛 米奇爾
09:00.34, but I'm having kind of a rough morning, 但是 今天早上對我來說太艱難了
09:03.04, Daddy, up. 爹地 抱抱
09:04.31, I'm sorry, Lily, those days are over. 對不起 莉莉 好日子到頭了
09:06.31, Now here's your lunch. 這是你的午飯
09:08.13, Go get your bag. We will be leaving shortly. 去把你的書包拿來 我們馬上出發(fā)
09:11.65, Cam, you don't have to ice her out completely. 小卡 你也不用對她這么冷冰冰啊
09:14.07, Do you think I'm enjoying this? 你以為我愿意這么做嗎
09:15.59, But I need her to detach from me before the new thing comes 但是我得讓她在新東西來之前 擺脫對我的依賴
09:18.95, or who knows what she'll do to it. 不然的話 鬼知道她會對他怎么樣
09:20.65, Why are you saying "Thing" Instead of "Baby"? 你為什么把"寶寶"說成"東西"
09:22.50, Kill the new baby. 干掉新寶寶
09:24.97, Oh. Um, look, I-I-I know this is hard, 我知道這么做很難受
09:27.73, but I really appreciate what you're doing. 我也很欣賞你的挽救措施
09:29.80, And believe me, 相信我
09:30.47, I take no pleasure in seeing you suffer like this. 看著你受此煎熬 我也很難過
09:33.49, I take a little pleasure. 我其實有點偷著樂
09:34.91, No, but there--there are very few parenting issues 主要是因為 在為人父母這方面上
09:37.29, where I come out on top. 我向來都表現(xiàn)比他糟糕
09:38.29, You know, I'm distant. I work too much. 我跟家人有點疏遠 我工作太忙了
09:41.34, My French braiding is "Sloppy." 我給莉莉編的法式辮子像亂麻
09:44.68, Finally, you know, something that isn't my fault. 終于 有些事不是我的錯了
09:47.69, Ready. 準備好了
09:50.56, Could you please just go put her in her car seat 你可不可以把她抱進車里
09:52.52, while I compose myself? 我需要淡定一下
09:53.73, All right, you know what, Cam? 好的 那個 小卡
09:54.63, Why don't I just take Lily to preschool on my way to work? 不如我上班時候順便送她去幼兒園吧
09:57.39, I think that would be best. 那敢情兒好
09:58.25, Let me just whip up a smoothie for you before you go. 出發(fā)之前讓我來給你弄一份冰沙
10:00.64, I push the buttons, daddy. 我要按那個按鈕 爹地
10:04.50, You certainly do. 好呀
10:08.87, What do you think the principal's going to do to me? 你覺得校長會怎么處理我
10:10.79, I am a first-time offender. 我是初犯
10:13.14, Oh, great. Now I'm tardy. Strike two. 這下好了 我還遲到了 罪加一等
10:14.99, Manny, think of this in a positive way, 曼尼 態(tài)度積極點
10:17.24, - Like it is your "Ha ha" moment. - What does that mean? -把它當成你的"哈哈"時刻 -什么意思
10:19.60, That means that one day, you're gonna laugh about it. 意思是 將來有一天你會一笑置之的
10:21.57, Ah, I should've just given that stupid necklace back to Alicia 我當時就該把那該死的吊墜還給阿麗莎的
10:24.09, When she was standing right next to her locker. 當時她就站在她的儲物柜旁邊
10:26.59, This is the worst day of my life, 這是我一生中最糟糕的一天
10:28.30, till tomorrow... Oh. 明天也是
10:29.39, And every day after that. Oh. 還有以后的每一天
10:33.18, Come on, mom. Let's get this over with. 走吧 媽媽 讓我們快點解決這件事
10:36.42, Wait.-What? 等一下-怎么了
10:37.89, Which one did you say that it was her locker? This one? 你說哪個是她的儲物柜 這個嗎
10:40.44, Mm-hmm. The one that smells like rose oil. 是的 那個聞起來像玫瑰精油的味道
10:45.75, Mom? 媽媽
10:46.48, Keep the lookout. 把好風
10:51.12, Now promise me that you will never, ever do anything dishonest again. 現(xiàn)在 向我保證你再也不做這種事了
10:54.57, I promise. 我保證
10:55.14, Okay, because that's not the way I raised you. 很好 我養(yǎng)的兒子可不是珠寶大盜
10:57.85, Don't tell Jay anything, okay? 對杰一定要守口如瓶 好嗎
11:00.45, - Hi, Lily. - All right, Lily. -早上好 莉莉 -好了 莉莉
11:02.37, Hi. Have fun, sweetheart. 玩的開心 甜心兒
11:03.82, Bye. 再見
11:05.35, She is so sweet. 她真可愛
11:06.44, Oh, thanks. Well, you should've seen her yesterday. 謝謝 你真應該看看她昨天的樣子
11:09.24, Yeah, she pushed a baby off of Cam's lap. 她直接把一個寶寶從小卡膝上推下去了
11:11.74, I know. I know. 我知道 我知道
11:13.26, She is so possessive of him, but, you know, 她對小卡的占有欲太強了
11:15.15, Cam's really working on trying not to coddle her so much, 小卡正在努力不那么寵著她了
11:17.93, So... 所以
11:19.13, I'm not really sure it's about coddling. 我不覺得這和寵溺有關系
11:21.16, Sounds more like a sharing issue. 更像是分享方面的問題
11:23.07, You know, we've noticed Lily has a hard time with that. 我們注意到莉莉不愿意與別人分享東西
11:26.11, - Really? - I wouldn't worry. 是嗎-我并不擔心
11:28.08, Kids usually pick that habit up from other kids, 小孩子通常會從別的小孩身上學到
11:30.32, Except the ones that pick it up from their parents. 也有些是從父母那里學到的
11:33.29, We have a few of those in here. 我們這有幾個小孩子就是這樣
11:35.64, Of course, I can't share those names with you... 當然 我不能告訴這些孩子的名字
11:37.43, until I get a glass of wine in my hand. 除非我喝高了 酒后吐真言
11:41.16, Oh. Oh, Miss Elaine. 你真逗 伊萊恩小姐
11:43.00, I have been told that I might have the teensiest issue with sharing. 別人的確說過我可能有那么一丁點"分享障礙"
11:46.70, But is that something Lily would even pick up on? 但是莉莉真的是從我身上學到的嗎
11:52.51, My chicken. 我的雞肉
11:55.27, My pillow. 我的枕頭
11:58.84, Daddy's pen. 爹地的筆
12:02.54, Okay, it's possible. 好吧 有可能
12:03.77, And I suppose for Lily's sake, I-I should work on that... 為了莉莉 我應該改改了
12:07.85, privately. because right now we really need to 偷偷地改 因為現(xiàn)在我們真的應該
12:10.67, get Cam's coddling problem under control. 先搞定小卡的溺愛問題
12:16.03, What's going on? 怎么回事
12:17.40, Moving into the attic. 搬到閣樓去睡
12:18.95, Give me a day or two to get settled, then I'll have you up. 給我一兩天時間安定下來 我再請你上去坐坐
12:21.12, When did all this happen? 你什么時候決定挪窩了
12:22.80, Depends on who you ask. 這要看你問誰了
12:24.32, My plan's been in motion for three weeks. 我是已經覬覦了三周了
12:26.59, Honey, this is a terrible idea. You're gonna hate it up there. 親愛的 這是個糟糕的主意 你會厭惡上面的
12:29.59, Mom, stay out of this. 媽媽 你別插手了
12:31.18, Yeah. We all have our own rooms now. Everybody wins. 現(xiàn)在我們都有自己的房間了 三贏
12:34.00, Well, don't get too comfortable in there, girls. 不要太爽 女孩兒們
12:36.10, Luke, it's cold, and it's scary up there. 盧克 上面很冷 也很恐怖
12:39.05, You're gonna be back in your own room by tomorrow night. 你明天晚上就會回到自己房間的
12:40.97, I don't know, Claire. It's got a lot of potential. 我不明白 克萊爾 這里潛力無限
12:43.10, This is a lot nicer than the attic I lived in when we met. 這個比我們相遇時我住的那個好多了
12:46.23, One night, if that. Trust me on this. 相信我 再舒適他也最多堅持一晚
12:48.87, Oh, yes, because you're always right. 噢對啊 因為你永遠是對的
12:51.43, Sweetheart, I would love to be wrong. 孩兒們 我倒是想錯一次
12:53.83, I just don't live with the right people for that. 但你們把錯都犯完了 我想錯都難啊
12:56.23, Let it go, kids. She's not gonna budge. 算了吧 你媽是永不妥協(xié)的
12:58.69, - Kept me up all night with the-- - Phil, you did push me! 會嘮叨我一晚上這事兒-菲爾 的確是你推到我的
13:01.96, Your word against mine. 你的說法跟我不一致
13:03.47, Guess it's one of those things we'll just never know, 估計也很難搞清真相了 就像那些未解之謎
13:05.29, Like what really happened to the "Titanic." 好比泰坦尼克號沉沒的真相
13:07.45, It hit an iceberg. 泰坦尼克是撞冰山了
13:09.68, - Maybe. - Mm, there's no maybe. 或許吧-必須的
13:11.37, Oh, you're right, Claire. 好吧 你是對的 克萊爾
13:13.04, Again. 又對了哦
13:14.04, Surprise, surprise. 見怪不怪
13:15.82, Okay, I-I will see you over at uncle Mitchell's. 好吧 我們一會兒在米奇爾舅舅家見
13:19.92, I'm gonna skip this meeting of the pile-on Claire club. 我得逃離這個批斗克萊爾大會
13:23.87, Guess I pushed her into that pile, too. 估計也是我把她推到那個"大會"上的
13:34.27, I spend half my life waiting on you. 我都等你們半輩子了
13:35.75, How many times do you have to change your outfit? 你出門一次到底得換幾次行頭
13:38.00, Sorry, Jay. Too many choices is a prison. 抱歉杰 選擇太多也是個煩惱
13:40.54, Just drive before he rethinks the pants. 趁他還想換條褲子之前趕緊走
13:42.71, - What's wrong with my pants?! - Go. Go. Go. 我褲子怎么了-快 快
13:47.14, So, Manny, how'd it go with the principal today? 曼尼 今天跟校長談得如何
13:50.05, It was terrible, but he was brave, and now it's over. 不是很好 但兒子很勇敢 都過去了
13:53.53, - Right, Manny? - Mm-hmm. -對吧 寶貝兒 -沒錯
13:55.22, - So d-- - what'd they give you? Detention? Suspension? 那個-他們讓你罰站還是停課
13:57.59, No, just a warning because it was first offense. 沒有 因為是初犯只給了警告
14:00.31, - So how was work? - Great. 今天工作如何啊-挺好的
14:02.09, Just a warning, huh? 只給了警告 是吧
14:03.39, Like she said. 我媽說得沒錯
14:04.90, So I ask about work, and you change the subject. 我問你工作 你就給我打岔
14:08.30, Are you trying to hide something? 是不是瞞著我什么
14:09.63, No, I just wanna make sure he's okay. You okay? 沒有啊 我只想確保孩子沒事 你沒事吧
14:12.44, cause, I mean, it looks like you're sweatin' bullets back there, kid. 我就是有點疑惑 你怎么汗如雨下的
14:15.11, Stop grilling him. First the principal, now you. 別逼他了 先是校長 又是你
14:17.78, This poor boy has been screamed at all day. 這個可憐的孩子被折磨了一整天
14:21.08, - Well, not to mention-- - Quiet! I've got this. 更別提-閉嘴 我正掌控全局呢
14:28.81, - Where is Lily? - Um, she's getting dressed. 莉莉呢-她在穿衣服
14:31.88, All by herself? 自己穿嗎
14:32.80, - Cam is encouraging her to be more independent. - Oh. 小卡正在鼓勵她更獨立-原來如此
14:36.00, And there she is! 小公主駕到
14:38.77, Doesn't she look beautiful? 美極了吧
14:42.48, She looks like she was dipped in glue, 她就像沾完了膠水
14:43.80, and dragged through a flea market. 然后從跳蚤市場里拖出來的
14:46.14, - Hey there! - Hi! 大家好-來了啊
14:49.09, - Guys. Come on in. There's hors d'oeuvres. - How's it going? -快進來 開胃菜準備好了 -大家好嗎
14:50.63, Hey, do you guys have any old furniture? 你們家有舊家具嗎
14:52.42, I'm moving into the attic. 我正要搬到閣樓住
14:53.81, - The attic? - Hey, at least it's big. 住閣樓嗎-至少足夠大
14:56.65, Grandpa said you used to live in the closet. 外公說你以前住柜子里[同性戀隱瞞性取向
14:59.09, Okay. Well, you know what? 好吧 聽我說
15:00.20, Yeah, we'll absolutely find you something for sure. Okay? 我們會給你找些家具用的
15:02.71, My daddy! 爸爸是我的
15:03.92, Lily, no! 莉莉 別這樣
15:05.45, I-I'm sorry, Luke. 盧克 抱歉
15:06.94, This isn't over. 這事沒完
15:08.43, Oh, my god. Mitchell, she's getting worse. 天吶 小米 她越來越放肆了
15:10.70, I have turned her into a pushy, little, entitled monster, 我把她變成了一個放肆無禮的小怪物
15:14.12, on her way to a rap sheet and a bracelet on her ankle. 她將來肯定會被逮捕 被戴上腳銬的
15:17.52, Oh, she has a bracelet on her ankle. 不是吧 她已經戴上腳銬了
15:19.10, Cam. 小卡
15:20.44, Cam, Cam. 小卡 冷靜
15:21.96, This--this might not be entirely your fault. 這或許不全是你的責任
15:24.24, No, it is. 還能是誰的
15:25.01, I spoke with Lily's teacher. 我跟莉莉的老師談過了
15:26.15, And she thinks that--that she may have a problem with sharing, 老師覺得她可能有分享障礙
15:28.95, Which she might have gotten from-- 她可能是從什么人身上學的...
15:31.19, You. You don't like to share. 就是你啊 你不愿與人分享
15:32.96, No, I do it to make a point sometimes. 不 我有時那樣做是想說明某個道理
15:34.83, Like, if you want the chicken, then order the chicken. 比如 你想吃雞肉 就自己點啊
15:36.77, Wait, when did you talk to Lily's teacher? 等一下 你什么時候去跟莉莉老師談的
15:38.24, Uh, today, when I--when I dropped her off at school. 今天 我送她上學時候
15:40.21, And you let me suffer all day? 然后你居然讓我自責了一整天
15:41.94, All right, look, we--we can't do this with everybody here. 我錯了 但我們不能在大伙兒面前說這些吧
15:44.53, - Can we please just get through the evening? - Yes, 至少過了今晚再說-好吧
15:46.62, but we are not making the announcement tonight. 但我們今晚不宣布領養(yǎng)孩子的事兒了
15:48.15, Because that is a joyful thing, 因為那本應是件高興的事情
15:49.45, And I am not feeling very joyful right now. 但我現(xiàn)在極為不高興
15:51.62, Well, I share your feeling. 好吧 我分享到[感受到]你的怒火了
16:00.33, Just so you know, I'm on to you. 告訴你吧 我看出你的把戲了
16:02.27, You never took Manny to the principal. 你根本沒帶曼尼去找校長
16:06.37, Okay, play it like that, but I know Manny. 你繼續(xù)裝 但我了解曼尼
16:09.17, He has more of a conscience than you have. 他比你有良知
16:12.51, He's not gonna be able to live with this. 他沒法忍受良心受到譴責的
16:16.42, You'd be surprised what people can live with, Jay. 杰 別小看良心的承受能力
16:23.04, Hi, Miss Lily. How's my big girl doing? 莉莉小公主 你好嗎
16:26.37, Good. 很好
16:26.92, Can you tell me how old you are now? 告訴我 你今年幾歲了
16:29.74, 3 3歲
16:31.75, That's 4. This is 3. 那表示4歲 這是3歲
16:33.20, Okay, show me again. How old are you? 來 再說一次 你幾歲了
16:35.32, - 3. - No! That many is 4. -3歲 -不對 那是4歲
16:37.40, This many is 3. 這才是3歲
16:40.07, Don't argue, Lily. You'll never win. 別爭了莉莉 你說不過她的
16:42.49, Really, Phil? 是嗎 菲爾
16:44.25, Okay, I-I was gonna wait until we got home for this, 好吧 我本來打算回家再放這個的
16:47.50, But now I think it's something everyone's gonna enjoy. 但現(xiàn)在我決定讓大家分享這個開心一刻
16:50.12, Guys, everybody, come on down to the TV room. 大伙兒都到客廳來
16:52.01, I've got something really special to share. 給你們看個精彩的真人秀
16:54.61, Okay, how's everybody on drinks? 每人來點喝的嗎
16:56.53, If this is Alex's graduation again, just leave me the bottle. 如果又像上次艾麗克斯畢業(yè)典禮那樣 給我一整瓶吧
16:59.44, I'm good, Cam. 我不要了 小卡
17:00.62, Okay, everybody. 大家就坐了
17:02.71, Showtime. 好戲開始
17:04.86, Oh, my gosh. It's us at the market. 我靠 居然是那天在超市的錄像
17:07.85, - How did you-- - Yeah, it's security camera footage. 你怎么搞到的-沒錯 超市監(jiān)控錄像
17:09.83, I don't understand. What are we watching? 我不明白 我們要看什么
17:11.34, It ain't "The godfather," I can tell you that much. 我可以跟你說 絕對不是《教父》
17:12.99, Okay, look, I fell yesterday at the market, 好的 聽著 我昨天在商場里跌倒了
17:14.74, And Phil and I have been having a little disagreement 菲爾跟我在責任問題上
17:16.28, as to what happened. Just watch. Okay, right here. 持不同意見 看著 就是這兒
17:18.08, I stop to fix my shoe, and then Phil-- 我停下來去整理鞋子 然后菲爾
17:20.68, right there. Okay. 在那里 好的
17:21.80, He makes way for this very attractive woman, 他給一位漂亮的女士讓路
17:24.27, whom he conveniently leaves out of his retelling of the story. 在他的敘述中 他把這段艷遇省略了
17:27.58, Now right here, Phil backs up, 就在這時 菲爾往后退了一步
17:29.94, pushes his butt into the cart, 屁股撞到了購物車
17:31.17, pushes me into the cans! 讓我撞到了那一堆罐頭上
17:32.89, Do you see that?! Oh! 看到了沒
17:33.59, It's all his fault, just like I said! 都是他的錯 就跟我說的一樣
17:36.46, I was right! Suck it! 我才是對的 去死吧
17:40.21, - When did you get this-- - Oh, my god. 你什么時候拿到的-我的天吶
17:42.44, That's why you wanted to come separately. 這就是為什么你想單獨過來
17:44.29, You went to all that trouble just to prove you were right? 你大費周章就為了證明你是對的
17:47.20, It really wasn't that much trouble. 其實也算不上大費周章
17:48.68, I just went to the store, found your friend Jordan the bag boy, 我只是到商場 找到你的朋友喬丹
17:51.29, who got me the manager. 他幫我找到了經理
17:52.53, He gave me the address of the off-site security office. 他給了我遠程安保室的地址
17:55.08, I filled out some paperwork. Sally faxed it to corporate. 我填了幾張表 薩利把它傳真到公司
17:57.40, Three minutes later, I'm buying pack of dvds and burning a copy. 三分鐘后我買了張DVD 刻了一張碟
18:00.68, Cake. 小事一樁
18:02.34, It's like a sickness. 瘋狂到病態(tài)啊
18:04.24, What? None of you believed me, 干嘛 誰叫你們都不信我
18:06.34, so I got proof. 我只好自證清白咯
18:07.44, You should all be sucking it right now. 你們現(xiàn)在都去死吧
18:08.82, Hey, please stop with the "Sucking it," Claire. 你能別再說"去死"好嗎 克萊爾
18:11.13, The children! 孩子都在呢
18:12.05, Yes, children are very impressionable. 沒錯 孩子們非常容易受影響
18:13.69, You'll never know what they'll pick up. 你永遠不知道他們會撿什么學
18:14.86, Okay, cam, I'm sorry that I blamed it on you, okay? 小卡 我很抱歉把責任都歸咎到你身上
18:17.66, But we both need to look at our actions. 但是我們的一言一行都得注意
18:19.41, I mean, if we're thinking about adopting another baby, 如果我們想再領養(yǎng)一個孩子的話
18:21.84, then we need to-- 我們需要...
18:22.82, - You guys... - You're adopting another kid? 你們-你們要再領養(yǎng)一個
18:25.84, - No! No, no! - You're--wait! Congratulations! 不不不-你們 等等 恭喜
18:27.71, We're thinking about it. It's not... 我們還在考慮 還沒...
18:32.59, What the hell's happening here? 到底發(fā)生什么事了
18:34.48, Is that from "Footloose"? 是《渾身是勁》的插曲嗎
18:37.53, Really, Mitchell? 不是吧 米奇爾
18:38.33, You couldn't even share telling your family! 你都不肯和我一起宣布消息
18:40.64, Fine. Fine. 行 行
18:41.59, But why are you upset? This is such good news. 但你怎么這么郁悶呢 這是個好消息
18:44.66, No, we're a little on edge 不 我們只是有點擔心
18:46.11, because lily has been acting out 因為莉莉最近表現(xiàn)出
18:47.63, like she doesn't want a sibling, and-- 她不想要兄弟姐妹
18:49.09, Yeah, because Mitchell taught her to hate sharing. 沒錯 因為米奇爾把她教的不懂分享
18:51.12, And/or because cam wears her like a fanny pack. 或是因為小卡片刻不離地把她"戴"在身邊
18:55.03, Oh, stop blaming each other. 不要再互相責怪了
18:55.93, No kid wants a sibling. 沒有孩子喜歡有兄弟姐妹
18:57.08, I mean, Claire hated you so much 克萊爾小時候就非常不待見你
18:58.75, She stuck you in a dryer when you were 2. 你兩歲時她把你塞進了烘干機里
19:00.73, You put me in the dryer? 你把我塞進烘干機里
19:02.30, I did, but it wasn't 'cause I hated you. 沒錯 但不是因為我不喜歡你
19:04.29, My friend Marci said 我朋友瑪琪說
19:05.55, That it wouldn't run with a kid inside it, 烘干機里面有孩子是無法起動的
19:07.32, and I knew it would. I was right. 但我知道它會 事實證明我是對的
19:09.34, Good governor. 主啊
19:11.40, It's been going on since you were 5? 你五歲的時候就這樣了
19:14.47, - Oh, my god. It is a sickness. -Yeah. -天啊 真是扭曲病態(tài)啊 -你才知道
19:17.11, What would make me have that need at such a young age? 是什么讓我那么小就這么扭曲了
19:20.57, How long was I in that dryer? Because I-- 我在那烘干機里呆了多久 因為我
19:23.07, Is this why I'm afraid of tumbling? 我是因此才那么害怕翻跟頭嗎
19:24.55, I had to quit gymnastics, Claire! 我不得不退出體操隊 克萊爾
19:26.75, A childhood without tumbling? 一個沒有翻跟斗的童年
19:29.38, You knew this and just stood by and did nothing?! 你知道這些 卻只是旁觀不語
19:32.42, Okay, okay. What's done is done! 好了好了 木已成舟
19:34.70, All you can do is learn from your mistakes. 你們能做的就是從中吸取教訓
19:36.56, And in that spirit, 本著這種精神
19:38.22, I would like to propose a toast... to Manny. 我要敬曼尼一杯
19:41.83, This week, he did something he wasn't supposed to do, 這周他做了一件本不該做的事
19:44.24, - like we all do-- - Like we all do! 就跟我們一樣-就跟我們一樣
19:46.54, - Salud to Manny! - Uh, not yet. 敬曼尼-等等
19:48.89, But Manny stood up like a man. 但是曼尼男子漢似的站出來
19:50.76, He admitted he was wrong and he took his licks, 他承認了錯誤 并且接受了懲罰
19:53.43, and I'm damn proud of him. 我為他感到自豪
19:54.77, Ah, now we clink! 現(xiàn)在干杯
19:55.90, No, we clink when I say we clink. 不 只有我說干杯時才干杯
19:58.42, So Manny made a mistake, but he didn't take the easy way out. 曼尼犯了錯 但是他卻沒有逃避
20:01.65, He's got guts, he's got integrity. 他很勇敢 正直善良
20:04.85, As far as I'm concerned, he's the best little b-- 就我所知 他是最棒的小...
20:06.83, Okay, stop! Stop! I didn't do any of that. 夠了 停停 你說的我都沒做
20:09.36, Mom broke into the locker and threw the necklace inside, 老媽撬開了柜子把吊墜扔回去了
20:11.56, and then we ran away like cowards. 然后我們像膽小鬼一樣溜走了
20:12.97, - I'm sorry, jay! I'm sorry! - I knew it! -對不起 杰 對不起 -我就知道
20:14.83, I was right! I was right! 我是對的 我是對的
20:26.49, Who is it?
20:27.55, Hi, honey. It's just me. Are you okay? 親愛的 是我 你還好嗎
20:30.07, Yeah. I'm great. 我很好
20:31.95, So, how you liking your new digs? 喜歡你的新居嗎
20:33.58, I know you told me that I'd be cold... 我知道你說這上面會很冷
20:36.44, and scared... 我會被嚇壞
20:37.57, - But I'm not. - No, I can see that. 但你錯了-是的 我看得出來
20:39.69, I was--I was wrong. 是我錯了
20:41.40, - You were. - Yeah. 是你錯了-是的
20:42.57, Well, you're gonna hate this then, honey, 那么接下來你肯定非常不喜歡了 親愛的
20:44.52, but I'm gonna need you to go back down and sleep in your old room. 我需要你下去 回你原來的房間去
20:47.50, I just--I'm worried if you get something so cool 我怕你這么小就擁有
20:49.94, this early in your life, 如此奇妙的體驗
20:51.28, You're not gonna have anything to look forward to later. 你以后就沒有什么可以期待的了
20:53.91, I-I have to go now? 我現(xiàn)在就得下去嗎
20:55.92, You can spend the night tonight here if you want. 如果你想的話你也可以在這里過夜
20:57.68, Oh! No, if it's so important to you, 不了 如果這對你那么重要
21:00.93, I'll go now. 我現(xiàn)在就下去
21:03.92, You should come, too. 你也應該下去
21:05.33, Something sleeps over there. 有什么東西在那里
21:09.21, Wait for me. Wait. Wait for me! Wait for me. 等等我 等等我


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