William and Kate's third child was born at the private maternity unit of St Mary's Hospital, Paddington o... [查看全文]
Specifically, there are certain words Kate, Will, the Queen, Prince Charles and co. NEVER use - and here they a... [查看全文]
你曾好奇過為什么我們紳士會有我們特有的做派嗎?有時,了解我們的文化規(guī)范起源于何處能讓我們從新的角度欣賞它們。而在其他時候,這正好可... [查看全文]
Your wedding day may hold a special place in your heart, but how many others do you share it with?每個人的婚禮... [查看全文]
This Saturday, hundreds of thousands of U.S. high-school students will sit down to take the SAT, anxious about t... [查看全文]
Since it was announced that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were engaged, the couple have expressed their love in... [查看全文]
為何看電影時,別人都笑了,我卻笑不出來?為何看美劇時,即便每個詞都聽懂了,連起來還是,不知所云?也許...你只是沒文化!語言是人類文化的... [查看全文]
哈里王子和梅根的大婚要來了,時隔7年,我們又迎來一場英國王室備受矚目的婚禮。我們知道西方一直有結(jié)婚后女方冠夫姓的傳統(tǒng),那么梅根嫁過... [查看全文]
Why is it so common to be cold/unfriendly/antisocial in the UK?為什么在英國冷漠/不友好/反社會很普遍?獲得9.8k好評的回答@M... [查看全文]
The Princess Diaries is coming to life for Meghan Markle!《公主日記》在梅根·馬克爾身上成為現(xiàn)實!As she begins life as... [查看全文]