No one can deny that the BP oil spill has devastated wildlife on the region. But for a perishing fishing industry, ambulance-chasing lawyers, it is a golden opportunity.
At a popular bar, the Vu-Doo Lounge, fishermen ply me with riches-to-rags stories. "I was making $100,000 a year. Now I’m making nothing,' I was told by Tim Cheramie, who was buying rounds of Bud Lite for a group of friends. One boat captain, Dodd "Milk" Champagne, blurted: "Those of us with bigger boats are still shrimping because we can go further out to sea, beyond the closed area." His vessel was due to depart the next morning for a ten-day expedition. The vessel will cover more miles, devouring extra fuel, so he is entitled to compensation from BP on a monthly basis, and he has just received his first cheque of $5,000. His three deckhands also have each submitted claims – for $2,500 each – for compensation "lost earnings".
Hundreds of fishermen with smaller boats have converted them into oil-skimming vessels, which lower absorbent pads, resembling old-fashioned draught stoppers, into the ocean to scoop out the contaminants.