Mrs Durbeyfield would not reply.
‘Do you think Tess would want me to try and find her?’
‘I don't think she would.’
He was turning away,and then he thought of Tess's letter:If you would come,I could die in your arms!I live only for you…I am so lonely without you,my darling!He turned back.
‘I'm sure she would!’he said passionately.‘I know her better than you do!’
‘I expect you do,sir,for I have never really known her.’
‘Please,Mrs Durbeyfield,please tell me where she is!Please be kind to a miserable lonely man!’
There was a pause after this cry from the heart.Finally Tess's mother replied in a low voice,‘She is at Sandbourne.’
‘Thank you,’he said,relieved.‘Do you need anything?’
‘No,thank you,sir,’said Joan Durbeyfield.‘We are well provided for.’
Clare took the train to Sandbourne.On his arrival at eleven o'clock in the evening he took a room in a hotel,and walked around the streets,in the hope of meeting Tess.But it was too late to ask anybody.
It seemed a strange place to Clare.It was a bright,fashionable holiday town,with parks,flowerbeds and amusements.This new town,a product of modern civilization,had grown up near the ancient Egdon Woods,where the paths over the hills had not changed for a thousand years.
He walked up and down the wide streets,trying to admire the modern buildings.He felt confused.The sea murmured,and he thought it was the trees.The trees murmured,and he thought it was the sea.He could not understand what had brought Tess here.This was a town for relaxation,for pleasure,not for a working girl like Tess.There were no cows to milk here,and no vegetables to dig.He looked at the lights in the bedroom windows,and wondered which one was hers.