The End 19
結(jié)局 19
It was evening in the parson's house at Emminster.Mr and Mrs Clare were waiting anxiously for Angel's return.
‘He won't be here yet,my dear,’said old Mr Clare,as his wife went to the front door for the tenth time.‘Remember his train doesn't come in till six o'clock,and then he has to ride ten miles on our old horse.’
‘But he used to do it in an hour,’said his wife impatiently.Both knew it was useless to talk about it,and the only thing to do was wait.
When they heard footsteps they rushed outside to meet the shape in the darkness.
‘Oh my boy,my boy,home at last!’cried Mrs Clare,who at that moment cared no more for Angel's lack of religion than for the dust on his clothes.What woman,in fact,however firm her beliefs,would not sacrifice her religion for her children?Nothing was more important to Mrs Clare than Angel's happiness.
But as soon as they reached the living room,she saw his face clearly in the light of the candles.She gave a cry and turned away in sorrow.‘Oh,it's not the Angel who went away!’
Even his father was shocked to see the change in his son.They would not have recognized him if they had passed him in the street.The cruel climate and hard work had aged him by twenty years.He was like a shadow,thin and bony,with no spring in his step and no enthusiasm in his eyes.
‘I was ill over there,’he said,noticing his parents concern.He had to sit down,being weak after his journey.
‘Has any letter come for me?’he asked eagerly.‘The last one…’
‘From your wife?’
‘Yes.I didn't get it until very recently,as I was travelling.If I had received it earlier,I would have come sooner.’
They gave him a letter that had been waiting for his arrival.Angel read it rapidly.It was Tess's last letter,short and desperate:
Oh why have you treated me so badly,Angel?I do not deserve it.You are cruel! I intend to forget you.You have been so unfair to me!
It is all quite true!’cried Angel hopelessly,throwing down the letter.‘Perhaps she will never take me back!’