Before going to bed he re-read Tess's passionate letter.He could not sleep that night.At the post office next morning they knew nothing of the names of Clare or Durbeyfield.
‘But there is the name of d'Urberville at Mrs Brooks',’said the postman.
‘That's it!’cried Clare,pleased to think she had taken her ancestors’name,as he had suggested.
He made his way quickly to Mrs Brooks' house,following the postman's directions.It was a large,impressive house,and he wondered if he should go to the back door,as Tess was probably a servant here.But he rang at the front.Mrs Brooks herself appeared.
‘Is Teresa d'Urberville here?’he asked.
‘Mrs d'Urberville?’
‘Yes.’He felt pleased that she was known there as a married woman.‘Please tell her that a relation wants to see her.Say it's Angel.’
‘Mr Angel?’
‘No,just Angel.She'll know.’
Angel waited in the sitting room,his heart beating painfully.
‘Whatever will she think of me?’he thought.‘I look so different,so much older!’He was still weak after his illness.He could hardly stand,and held on to the back of a chair,as she entered the room.
He was not prepared for what he saw.Tess was wearing fashionable clothes,and looked even more beautiful than he remembered.He had held out his arms,but they fell to his side,because she stood still in the doorway.He thought she could not bear his changed appearance.
‘Tess!’he whispered.His voice was low and breaking with emotion.‘Can you forgive me for going away?Can't you…come to me?Why are you… so beautiful?’